Episode 43 Justin Patricoff with WAHL

Hey there and welcome back to another eppy. This (relatively) short episode is with a man named Justin Patricoff. Justin works for Wahl. WAHL makes clippers and trimmer for people and also animals. He is down on the Gulf Coast for the Red White and Blueberry Festival in Ocean Springs. A man in Ocean Springs won a $20k prize for his epic beard, so WAHL decided to come down with their mobile barber shop and some very talented master groomers to give free trimmings to the beards and mustaches of Ocean Springs. In fact, for every trim given, WAHL will donate $100 to the 1720 foundation. This foundation exists to cover unexpected costs of adoption for people. Why this organization? Because the winner of that beard contest used his prize money to cover the exorbitant costs of adoption. Their child arrived home in April.

We talk about beards, WAHL, and the male beard movement. It’s a fun conversation, that focuses on WAHL, Ocean Springs, and the Red White and Blue festival. Everyone please welcome, Justin Patricoff!!!


Episode 44 Katie Weldon


Episode 42 Sarah Beaugez