Episode 35 Christen Andrews

I served 12 years on active duty in the Air Force. During those years I’ve traveled to more than 50 countries. I’ve been to six continents. I’ve experienced other people and cultures. That experience has given me a wonderful perspective on life, people, and the human condition of existence. Through the more variance I see, I find more and more in common with another. I’m thankful for that.


However, without traveling, the Air Force gives one the opportunity to experience multi-culturalism simply through the recruiting process. The United States military is a cross-section of the various cultures which exist in the United States. All these different background converge on one institution, and those people are bound by a singular moral, philosophical, and value-based belief structure, most notably described by three distinct tenants; integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do.


My guest today is a member of that organization, and a recruiter too. Technical Sergeant (TSgt) Christen Andrews is a recruiter for the Air Force in South Mississippi. He’s a former air transportation technician. In the Air Force, recruiting is a special assignment. Anyone, from any career field, can be a recruiter. After is 3-4 years, he’ll return to his job. For now, he’s a recruiter conveying the Air Force mission and purpose to anyone who may be interested.


TSgt Andrews is more than a recruiter; he’s more than an air transportation tech; he’s more than an Airman. We talk about his time during childhood where he was raised alongside nearly 10 brothers and sisters under the strict rule of a Marine father. We have a great laugh about his experience surrounding smuggling candy. He discusses his own anger issues and his work to get to the bottom of those issues while in the service. Those issues nearly cost him his career. Truly, he potentially could not be in the service today if not for the work of his superiors who saw something special in him.


TSgt Andrews and I also talk about a few current event issues in the service too. The service is going through an existential reorganizing of its principles and values. We are seeing those enterprise-level changes permeate all the way down to the lowest levels of the organization.


I first got in touch with TSgt Andrews after a viral recruitment video he made. He shot a hip-hop video called #teamblue. It was a well put together video where he talks about the Air Force as  a whole and the lyrical talent is self-evident. His video was shared by Headquarters, Air Force and the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force!!

TSgt Andrews is well spoken and carries with him the stature of a giant, and a leader. He’s formidable at first glance, but is also calm and welcoming. It was a pleasure to sit and talk with him. He also shows the complexity of humans and how we are constantly in a state of change and improvement. I found comfort in how relatable that is. I felt as though I’ve known this dude for years and I think that comes off in the interview. I hope you all enjoy  the episode! I’ve watched it twice since I recorded it!!!!!


Everyone, please welcome, TSgt Christen Andrews.


The views, opinions, and attitudes contained in this interview are those of the individuals present and do not in any way reflect the views, opinions, and attitudes of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the Federal Government in any way, explicitly or implied.


Ep 36 Doug Walker


Episode 34 Fred “Chic” Cody