Ep 36 Doug Walker

Everyone welcome back to another episode. We’re still in the election cycle here in Ocean Springs. While the primary election has passed, the runoff is well underway. As such, my good friend Doug Walker decided to stop by. Doug is in a runoff race in ward 3. Doug and I chat about the experience thus far, campaigning in a COVID environment, and his passion he holds in the belief that he is the right person—the best person—to serve ward 3 as an alderman. We spend an unusual amount talking about roads. I think it surprised both of us! Doug also talks about some of his frustrations about the nasty side of campaigning in this divisive, dagger-throwing election system. The awful, arguably unprofessional, behavior exhibited at the federal level during elections has obviously permeated the entire hierarchy of elected officials.

Doug is my first repeat guest and I had a blast talking to him. He’s a wonderful man with a great sense of humor. He is direct. He is well-informed. While that makes for a formidable person to conversate with, Doug is at heart a grounded, loving, good natured man who simply wants to continue to serve this community. I’m honored he is seeking a seat as one of the board of alderman.

Everyone please welcome, Doug Walker.

Check out Doug here!


Episode 37 Melanie Allen


Episode 35 Christen Andrews