Episode 37 Melanie Allen

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have another election episode for you today. My guest today is Melanie Allen. She is running for mayor and she will face Kenny Holloway in the runoff on April 27th. I wanted to have both candidates present for a discussion about Ocean Springs. Unfortunately, Kenny declined due to an already full schedule. In any case, Melanie have a fun discussion. I asked questions posed by many of you and we also just have a candid conversation about Ocean Springs.

 Melanie is an accomplished woman who is skilled in business and public service. Her accolades and accomplishments speak to as much. She shows grace and poise despite what has been an unfair attack on her character by a gestapo-like effort to marginalize her as a woman, a public servant, and a qualified candidate for the city’s highest title. The elections have shown me despite the darkness of these big statement from small minds, integrity, competence, and strength will always persevere.

 I’m happy to have Melanie on again. The entire election series began with our conversation months ago. I’m thrilled to host this wonderful woman again, and I’m even more thrilled I found such an amazing friend. Everyone please welcome, Melanie Allen.

Follow Melanie here!

Check out Melanie’s Mayoral Page here!



Episode 38 Joshua Toellner


Ep 36 Doug Walker